Friday, July 1st
Arrival of participants to Marrakech.
20h Meeting (Cadi Ayyad University Club): Mobility in Africa for Training Education and Research: Network for Astrophysics (European projects: 5A, MATERNA and new project for European/African collaboration)
Saturday, July 2nd (FST)
Chairman : Pr Abdelmajid Benhida
8h–9h : Registration
9h-9h30 : Open Ceremony
9h30-10h : Coffee break
10h–11h : Andrew Szentgyorgyi (Spectroscopy: Theory)
11h–12h : Zouhair Benkhaldoun (Spectrographs: State-of-the-Art)
12h–13h : Mirjana Povic (Optical Spectroscopy for Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN))
13h30 : Lunch
14h30 : Departure to Oukaimeden (for 5 nights) and excursion on site
20h : Dinner
21h : A. Benhida, F. Cochard and Z. Benkhaldoun (Observation session: exoplanets - variable stars) and/or HAO Team (exoplanets by transit / Asteroid detection)
Sunday, July 3rd
Chairman : Mirjana Povic
9h00–12h30 : Aziza Menouni (Essentials of project design : RBM/ToC and SDGs of the 2030 Agenda Relaunch Mobility in Africa for Training Education and Research : Network for Astrophysics (MATERNA/RISE) Meeting)
14h30–18h30 : M. Shokry, A.Zead, A. Takey (Spectroscopic Data Reduction: Session 1)
20h : Dinner
21h : A.Benhida, F.Cochard and Z.Benkhaldoun (Observation session: exoplanets - variable stars) and/or HAO Team (exoplanets by transit / Asteroid detection)
Monday, July 4th
Chairman : Andrew Szentgyorgyi
8h30–9h30 : A. Benhida (Spectroscopy for Variable Stars)
9h30–10h30 : K. Kolenberg (Asteroseismology and links to Spectroscopy)
10h30-10h45 : Coffee break
10h45-11h45 : I. Monageng (Multiwavelength studies of X-ray binary stars)
11h45-12h45 : Phillipe Mathias (Stellar Spectropolarimetry)
13h15 : Lunch
Chairman : Guillaume Hebrard
14h30–17h : Practical Session 2 :François Cochard (Spectroscopy : Instrumentation)Pratical
17h-18h : F. Sefyani (The beautiful dynamics of RR Lyrae stars)
18h-19h : student Presentations(poster or talk)
20h : Dinner
21h : A. Benhida, F. Cochard and Z. Benkhaldoun (Observation session: exoplanets - variable stars) + HAO Team (exoplanets by transit / Asteroid detection)
Tuesday, July 5th
Chairman : Mirjana Povic
8h30–10h00 : A. Szentgyogyi (Spectroscopy for exoplanets)
10h00-11h00 : J. Chouqar (Transmission Spectroscopy for Exoplanets Atmospheres: Models and Simulations)
11h00-11h15 : Coffee break
11h15-12h30 : G. Hébrard (Radial velocities in exoplanetology)
13h15 : Lunch
Chairman : Pr Katrien Kolenberg
14h30–16h30 : Practical Session 3: M. Shokry, A.Zead, A. Takey : Basic data reduction and photometry of astronomical images
16h30-18h30 : Practical Session 4: Y. Moulane: Planetary science workshop
20h : Dinner
21h : A. Benhida, F. Cochard and Z. Benkhaldoun (Observation session: exoplanets - variable stars) and/or HAO Team (exoplanets by transit / Asteroid detection)
Wednesday, July 6th
Chairman : Zouhair Benkhaldoun
8h30–9h30 : Ababakar Ndao
9h30–10h30 : Frabçois Colas (TBD)
10h30-10h45 : Coffee break
10h45-11h45 : Raid Suleiman (TEMPO: Monitoring the atmospheric and much more)
11h45-12h45 : M. A. Al-Wardat : Al-Wardat's method for analyzing binary and multiple Stellar systems.
13h15 : Lunch
Chairman : Raid Suleiman
14h30–17h : Practical Session 5 : Mashoor A. Al Wardate and M. Talafha (Using synthetic spectral energy distributions, Kurucz model atmospheres)
17h-18h : Presentations by the participating students on their research (poster or talk)
20h : Dinner
21h : A. Benhida, F. Cochard and Z. Benkhaldoun (Observation session: exoplanets - variable stars) + HAO Team (exoplanets by transit / Asteroid detection)
Thursday July 7th
Chairman : Katrien Kolenberg
08h30-11h30 : Pratical Session 6 : K. Kolenberg – S. Sylla - A. Benhida – F. Sefyani (Oukaimeden & Tess Data Processing)
11h45-12h45 : Driss Takir (Near Earth Object Spectroscopy)
13h15 : Lunch
15h : Return to Marrakech
19h : Public Conference at Atlas Golf : G. Hébrard: The exoplanets revolution
20h : Gala Dinner
21h : Observations session for all public with telescope T600 at Atlas Golf (Amateur Astronomers Association of Marrakech 3AM)
Friday July 8th
08h30-17h : STEM training : K. Kolonberg, A. Benhida, Z. Benkhaldoun and F. Sefyani (for secondary school teachers)
Public Conference : Raid Suleiman : University Conference Center
Free day : Excursion to Essaouira (optional)